Some people are just plain stupid.
Anyways, I found some dumb questions on yahoo answers. It makes me wonder what were people thinking when they asked this? Were their brains made out of plastic? So I have come up with a list of these dumb questions – complete with both an honest answer by me and by one of the users.
Okay who’s the sexsiest: Miley Cyrus, Britney Spears, Selena Gomez or Barney?
Actual Response: Barney.
Why Barney? He scares me. Dinosaurs eat people you know.
So if you never want children, should you never have sex……ever?
Actual Response: Don’t judge.
Have you never heard of contraception. Apparently you have. But there is this thing called the 14-day rule or something like that: don’t have sex on the 14th day after your period.
Why do cats come and visit my 2 spayed female cats?
Because your cats are either whores or other cats want sex without consequences.
Who’s better: Axl rose or Brett Michaels?
This is a rare one that I agree with. Guns & Roses is awesome and Poison is for idiots.
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