Monday, September 28, 2009

Kpop and plagiarism

To tell you the truth this is old news. Totally. I’m sort of sick of the topic already and I can’t stand it! So why am I writing about? Because I feel like it and I haven’t really posted anything about it before so why not get it off my chest eh?

First off as I’m listen to Big Bang’s mini album ‘Hot Issue’ I’m not a hater on Big Bang. I actually really enjoy their music. GD and TOP is  good rappers and the whole group as a whole really compliments the music scene. I really do believe that YG is a good company and really tries to bring the main stream to Korea. I listen to tons of kpop ranging from epik high all the way to 4minute. But why is it so hard to be original now adays? Even in a mainstream sense you can still maintain your originality. Is it really that hard that people have to lift things off other tracks?

 GD and plagiarism. I do think that he intentionally took that riff from Flo Riders song. Even though the beat is different the lyrics are not even the same. It doesn’t matter. It is clearly taken from the song and people who deny this FACT is just in self denial or just very tone deaf. And the claims between Oasis’s song ’she’s electiric’ and GD’s song ‘Butterfly’….come one…are you seriously denying this one too? No way. Oasis is a BIG band. Everyone to Japan to USA knows who Oasis is. Same goes for the oh so popular song from Flo Rider. People have been arguing that ‘Damn this is such a good market plan!’ Hell no it’s not. publicity stunt in Korea… maybe, because clearly his album is doing GREAT! But overall this stunt totally hurt GD’s career in my opinion. Now the world is watching all of YG with an eagle eye. Already pinning down Teddy’s song ‘I don’t care’ for 2ne1 as plagiarized to Lionel Richie ft Akon – Just Go. It hurt me when he released a public statement stating that

“I’m frustrated, because some people are convinced that I not only referenced, but plagiarized ‘Just Go’……Even if two people live on opposites of the world in totally different environments, they can still have similar facial features”

It was sad because I think Teddy is a really talented composer/producer. He has a great musical head on his shoulders no doubt. Just cuz the feel was the same it doesn’t mean anything. It’s like putting a copyright on emotion. The difference between ‘I don’t care’ and ‘Heartbreaker’ is that for ‘Hearbreaker’ clearly the riff was the same. The feeling was different because GD brought in alot of techno feel to it with the drenching of auto tone that seems to be all the rage now adays, which is not a bad thing because people like it. ‘I Don’t care’ and the plagiarism remarks with ‘Just go’ was just wrong and Sony should really take that back.

Big Bang’s song ‘ With U’ and being compared to Joe’s ‘Ride with U’ I’m a little iffy on this one. Because ‘ride with you’ is a common expression. But what brought this song to the attention of plagiarism was because the chorus sounded the same. If you listen to it you’d know. However, the rest of the song was different. I think that brings us back to GD’s ‘Hearbreatker’ Just because a part of the song sounded the same….is it plagiarism?? Yes. You can get inspired, like I think Teddy does from different songs taking different elements and making his own, his view of what would be a better song. But for the stated it was just totally lifted which is again the problem.

Now 4minute’s song ‘Funny’ and being compared to Britney spear’s song ‘ If you seek Amy’. Hum is this another tone deaf remark to say it wasn’t taken from the song. CLEARLY it was. They got the whole thing down. From the annoying set up of the song to the weird catch phrase in the song. But I have to admit the lyrics in the 4minute one was way better. But that doesn’t make for a better song nor an excuse for plagiarism.

overall people should just do music on their own. BUT people should nit pick and call ‘PLAGARISM” out due to a 30 second span in a song or a commonly used composing such as ‘ o “>o “>o o o o o o ‘ like that. It’s annoying and people should just really let up on the whole issue. Reason why I spent so much attention on Gd is because he’s the biggest story in the plagiarism world….now isn’t that a depressing title to get.

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